When multimodal transport has occurred, is a transport document marked "received for shipment" and dated as of that date acceptable? 当多式运输发生时,运输单据注明“收妥待运”且注明的日期为收妥待运日期是否可以接受?
However, such separate contracts shall not affect the responsibility of the multimodal transport operator with respect to the entire transport. 但是,此项合同不得影响多式联运经营人对全程运输所承担的责任。
Any signature or authentication of the carrier, multimodal transport operator or master must be identified as carrier, multimodal transport operator or master, as the case may be. 承运人或多式运输营运人或船长的任何签字或证实,必须分别表明“承运人”或“多式运输营运人”或“船长”的身份。
Research on the Liabilities during the International Multimodal Transport Legal Relationship and Responsibility Between Parties Concerned International Collection 国际货物多式联运承运人法律责任研究论国际托收各方当事人的法律关系及责任承担
That international multimodal transport is one means of facilitating the orderly expansion of world trade; 国际多式联运是促进世界贸易有秩序地扩展的途径之一;
The desirability of ensuring the orderly development of international multimodal transport in the interest of all countries and the need to consider the special problems of transit countries; 需要为所有国家的利益,保证国际多式联运有秩序地发展,并有必要考虑到过境国家的特殊问题;
This paper studies the transportation problem with the form of multimodal transport. 该文对需经过多式联运过程的运输问题进行了研究。
Shipping, ports and multimodal transport 航运、港口和协调联运
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Multimodal Transport Virtual Enterprise Risk 基于模糊层次综合法的多式联运虚拟企业风险评价
Nothing in this Convention shall affect the right of the consignor to choose between multimodal transport and segmented transport. 本公约的任何规定不得影响发货人在多式联运和分段运输之间进行选择的权利。
Layout of Port Multimodal Transport Nodes Based on Fuzzy c-cluster Analysis 基于模糊c-聚类的港口多式联运结点布局规划
The multimodal transport operator shall comply with the applicable law of the country in which he operates and with the provisions of this Convention. 多式联运经营人应遵守其营业所在国所适用的法律和本公约的规定。
This term may be used irrespective of the mode of transport, including multimodal transport. 本术语可适用于任何运输方式,包括国际多式联运。
Firstly, the mathematics model and virtual transportation network for interval route optimization problem in multimodal transport is analyzed. 联运路线优化问题直接关系到货物运输的费用、时间和运输质量。
The multimodal transport document shall be signed by the multimodal transport operator or by a person having authority from him. 多式联运单据应由多式联运经营人或经其他授权的人签字。
The need to ensure a balance of interests between suppliers and users of multimodal transport services; 有必要保证多式联运服务的提供者和使用者之间的利益均衡;
A simulation-based optimization approach was proposed for coordination of resource allocation of multimodal transport system on container terminals. 提出了基于仿真优化的集装箱港口多式运输资源配置协调优化方法。
Directory of services for technical cooperation in shipping, ports and multimodal transport; 航运、港口和多式联运技术合作服务目录;
Application of the Superiority Evaluation at Selecting the Multimodal Transport Options 优度评价法在多式联运运输方式组合优选中的应用
Dispatch, taking in charge or loading on board may be indicated by wording to that effect on the multimodal transport document and the date of issuance will be deemed to be the date of dispatch, taking in charge or loading on board and the date of shipment. 发运、接受监管或装载,可在多式运输单据上以文字表明,且出单日期即视为发运、接受监管或装载日期及装运日期。
The multimodal transport is a foundation of setting up the modern logistics network system. 国际多式联运是构建现代物流网络系统的基础。
This term can be used only when the goods are to be delivered by sea or inland waterway or multimodal transport on a vessel in the port of destination. a canal large enough for sea-going vessels. 只有当货物经由海运或内河运输或多式联运在目的港船上货时,才能使用该术语。可供海船航行的运河。
The multimodal transport operator as referred to in the preceding paragraph means the person who has entered into a multimodal transport contract with the shipper either by himself or by another person acting on his behalf. 前款所称多式联运经营人,是指本人或者委托他人以本人名义与托运人订立多式联运合同的人。
The development of the modern logistics, is inseparable with the development of the international multimodal transport. 现代物流的发展,与国际多式联运的发展是密不可分的。
I.On the issue of how to calculate and levy business tax from authorized invoice-issuing taxpayers engaging in multimodal transport business. 关于代开票纳税人从事联运业务如何计征营业税问题。
Licensing system for multimodal transport operator 发给联运人执照的制度
Research on Multimodal Transport of Steel Logistic in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Area 长江中下游地区钢铁物流多式联运研究
From its beginning, the scholars of all the countries have researched the legal issues of international multimodal transport. 它自诞生之日起,各国学者就对其产生的一系列法律问题加以研究,然而,国际货物多式联运合同的法律冲突问题却很遗憾的被忽略了。
The Application of Information System to Container Multimodal Transport 信息系统在我国集装箱多式联运中的应用研究
Therefore, there is an urgent need in the multimodal transport process of information integration. 因此,在这种环境下,迫切需要在多式联运过程中实现信息集成。